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Logo for Laaknor IT

A logo that's nerd and proud for Laaknor IT. To be different in a sea of sameness.

Who: Laaknor IT. An IT consulting company.

What: Logo.

Why: To be different in a sea of sameness.

Role: Logo designer.

Tools: Figma, iPad, pen, and paper.

When: May, 2023.

Rough sketches in a paper notebook
Refined rough sketches in a paper notebook
More refining, now the logosymbol is digital
Exploring fonts and weights for logotype
A tiny visual guide with font and color
Final logo, dark on light
Final logo, light on dark
Final logo, light on blue primary

Create a logo

Do you want to help me create a logo? Replies went back and forth from the moment I received this message from the owner of Laaknor IT on LinkedIn. From simple keywords, a logo took shape. They gave feedback based on their needs, and through iterations we arrived at a final design together.

For their primary brand color we picked a color that resembles the blue screen of death on Windows operating systems. The self-irony outweighs the risk.

It would be great to revisit and refine the core idea. Two logos, one with a sad computer and a sword inside, one with a happy computer without a sword. To visualize the journey from sad to happy if you get consulting from Laaknor IT on your issues.