

I doodle, and sometimes I spew rainbows. I'm currently building apps for human interaction. And I make logos and icons that you can order.

I think creativity is about

Image above: Me spewing a rainbow.

Not now

As a kid I doodled, and tried to understand why people liked what they saw. Later I found out that I could study and work with design. That was fun!

I was six when dad brought home our first computer. It was a lot of fun to create with pixels. It didn't take long before I broke the computer, so I studied electronics, and computer science to learn how computers work.

One day I wanted to build my own bookshelf, and so I bought a drawing tablet to draw the design. Suddenly I had a bachelor's degree in visual communication.

Fast forward and I've


I work as a user interface and user interaction designer and low-code developer, in a team who make services for people inside and outside of a hospital.

My flock of four humans and three cats live in southern Norway.

Image above: My office at home that doesn't look like this now. I should take a new photo.

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