I'm a boy, dad, friend, designer, adventurer, nerd, and rainbow spewer. π
I do
visual design (logo, icon, motion, interface).
interaction design.
usability research.
micro writing.
low code.
no code.
More fun.
I work as a designer in a team who do our best to make products less frustrating to use for people in public healthcare. Time disappear when I work on the small details that make things look, feel, and be less boring to use.
In my spare time I design icons and logos for fine people.
I also play with my kids, lounge with my girlfriend, build wooden objects, ride my bike, pull lumber out of the deep Norwegian woods, play video games, read books, and shorten my arms and roar like a dinosaur while I chase my kids and cats around our house.
I really like
building LEGO.
the sound of rain.
milk with coffee.
doing nothing.